luxury furniture interior, java teakindo, indonesian interior exper

java teakindo

Luxury Furniture Interior. CV. Java Teakindo was founded in 2000 by Ir. Gestiawan storm. The company is located in Jepara, Indonesia, and occupies 4800 sqm of production and office facilities. There are 200 Java teakindo employees to help run this company. Javateakindo has 21 years of experience in furniture production. Interior work on hotels, resorts, apartments and special project pavilions. With the experience we have in the skills and high motivation to produce high quality goods for positive change.

Luxury interior furniture presented by Java teakindo, a furniture manufacturer located on Jl. Bawu-belimbing, Batealit, Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. A company engaged in the furniture, wood, metal, interior and outdoor industries. The project obtained by java teakindo is not only in Indonesia but also penetrates foreign markets.

Everyone who wants to build a house, hotel, restaurant will really care about comfort. Good or bad, expensive or cheap, the furniture you have is clearly useful. Either as a decorative or functional element.
A room will look empty, quiet and out of tune, if the application of color and type of interior furniture to be used is not appropriate. The existence of furniture is considered very important, considering that all furniture has a different function. For example, even though they both have the predicate of “desk”, the dressing table and coffee table have completely different functions.


Luxury interior furniture is furniture that is made to be luxurious and comfortable. Which will go through a long procedure. Starting from the selection of raw materials, the work process to the final process called finishing to get a satisfactory quality furniture product. The final stage after finishing is the packaging process in the hope that during the shipping process there will be no damage.

For everyone who has high taste will be a little careful to choose a furniture before buying. Namely with a better model and quality. Luxury interior furniture, the quality of furniture products will look different from those on the market if changes or additions to other materials are made. A product will look in harmony as long as it matches the concept to be built. As for before starting, there are two important criteria. As previously mentioned, every piece of furniture has a practical and aesthetic function. The practical function is related to the use of the furniture for the space. Meanwhile, the aesthetic function is related to the extent to which a piece of furniture is able to “support” the beauty of the dwelling.


The role of furniture producers who use wood as raw materials is very influential in the balance of nature, one of the roles of trees is as a producer of oxygen (O2) and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2), therefore Java Teakindo also takes part in environmental activities such as reforestation of denuded land. illegal logging in protected forests.